‘F-boys’ are just wounded souls – astrology shows how some are able to heal, and others are not

Ah, the dreaded so-called “fk boy” — we’ve all known one, and some of us have been one.

This is the type of person – and this behavior occurs across all gender identities – who uses text messages and puts forth the bare minimum of attention/interest to get what they want without having to put any real thought, emotion, or conviction into it. follow someone

Standard F-boy mating calls include “U up?” and “Thinking of You”.

Astrologer Babs Cheung, aka The Astro Translator, is here to help us identify, demystify and find the astrological source of F-boy’s behavior.

Read on to learn more.

What are the signs predisposed to fall for F-boy tactics?

Cheung says Cancers tend to love an F-boy. Antonioguillem – stock.adobe.com

Cheung calls out the following sun signs for being in danger of falling in love with F-boys.

“Cancer Suns can fall for F-boys because of their sensitivity and sentimentality. The following fake tactics work best on crabs. Sagittarius can give an F-boy plenty of chances to take advantage, using breadcrumbing tactics to keep Sagittarius interested. Taurus Suns can also be overpowered by F-boys, especially when it comes to love bombing tactics.

Beyond astrology, psychologist Lauren Heywood offers a rationale for F-boy attraction.

“One, we are evolutionarily attracted to self-confidence and natural leaders (to reproduce, etc.), and two, because of something called the ‘halo effect’. This means that when a person is regarded as “Attractive”, we tend to assume that this person is also kind, smart, funny, etc. All desirable qualities to pursue.”

The astrological reason for the rise of F-boy

Cheung credits Chiron’s move into Aries and the advent of social media for the proliferation of F-boys. terovesalainen – stock.adobe.com

According to Cheung, F-boy has always existed in some form, but social media has given these trends wider exposure and a new platform for expression.

“Around 2010 Snapchat and Instagram first came on the scene. We were/are constantly on our phones, thanks to social media, and because of that, F-boys could not only DM and comment on stories with little effort, but also send nudes on Snapchat.

Cheung cites fraudulent identities online and Chiron moving into Aries as the F-boy amplifier.

Cheung cites fraudulent identities online and Chiron moving into Aries as the F-boy amplifier.

“Suddenly, we could all know each other through our social networks, without ever learning the truth by taking the time.”

Cheung believes Chiron’s unhealed wounds are at the root of much of F-boy’s behavior. Antonioguillem – stock.adobe.com

“Here I see the change happening astrologically. After 2018, when Chiron moved into Aries (where it still is), we have a self-image crisis to contend with, which is further exacerbated by the constant comparison trap we face thanks to social media and the age of Pisces Chiron.

Wait… WTF-boy is Chiron?

Chiron is named for the eternally wounded centaur in Greek mythology who mentored Achilles. Getty Images

Chiron, for the uninitiated, refers to a potential asteroid/planet in the natal chart that falls in one of the 12 zodiac signs and one of the 12 zodiac houses. Chiron is the wound – or if you prefer, the knot – we need to stitch or relax to fully actualize.

Chiron shows where it hurts and if we listen, it is there to teach us how to overcome ourselves and empower others.

“After all, all F-boys treat people badly because they have low self-esteem or a critical insecurity.”

Babs Cheung

According to Cheung, the entire behavior of the F-boy or G-girl stems from the unhealed wounds presented by Chiron placement.

“Ultimately, all F-boys treat people badly because they have low self-esteem or a critical insecurity, and F-boys use people as a means to cultivate validation that feeds their ego as a way to distract yourself from what is really necessary. “healing their wounds Chiron.”

Appropriately for an astro unlock, the symbol for Chiron looks a lot like a key. Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you suspect you’re dealing with an F-boy, consult these Astro charts, which show Chiron placement based on date of birth.

Whether you’re guilty of F-boy or F-girl behavior yourself or you’ve been given a raw deal of this kind of, um, f-bad relationship, Cheung assures that the situation is not beyond hope.

“It’s important to note that people can have an F-boy or F-girl phase in their lives and can take the necessary steps to heal and eradicate that type of behavior. Ultimately, healing and not healing is a choice that everyone has the ability to make.”

Read on for Cheung’s explanation of how any unhealed Chiron placement can manifest in F-boy behavior.

Aries Chiron unhealed

“Did you get up?” Not now – not ever. terovesalainen – stock.adobe.com

“The self-image wound can lead to an F-boy trying to hang out with as many people as possible to validate their ego. These are the types of people whose identity is wrapped up in the people they know rather than the person they are.” Â

Unhealed Taurus Chiron

“Wounded self-esteem can lead to an F-boy trying to get as many lovers as possible to help them feel worthy. This sugar daddy can seem to have it all together , but make no mistake, that sugar is salt.”

Unhealed Gemini Chiron

Words of affirmation are the love language of Gemini Chiron F-boys. Elnur – stock.adobe.com

“Wound of words, these fk guys are insecure in their communication and often don’t feel like they can represent themselves the way they want to, so they may try to compensate in other ways eventually to get validation from sources of many.

If he says his love languages ​​are affirmations on dating apps, get ready to reassure him how good he is … at anything and everything.”

Unhealed Cancer Chiron

Cheung explains that Cancer Chiron carries the wound of the family/mother, making this boy harder to distinguish because his behavior depends on his relationship with his mother.

“Whether he leans toward the Norman Bates of the spectrum or never returns his mom’s calls, his relationship with her will affect his behavior toward women and how he values ​​them. Their favorite tactic is to create ghosts, then return from the grave months later to tell you a sob story about why they fell.

Leo Chiron incurable

Leo Chiron’s wounds manifest themselves as delusions of grandeur. deagreez – stock.adobe.com

“This is the wound of self-expression: Similar to the wound of Aries Chiron, this F-boy may do his best to maintain the appearance of suppressing what he wants, which may be very different from what people expect of him. You can find him over-posting about his lavish life or his workout routines on social media.

“His F-boy tactic is using social media to be more responsive to your stories or photos and doing it to 10 other people to see who’s around for a quick one.”

Unhealed Virgo Chiron

“This is the plague of perfection: We all know Virgos can be perfectionists, and in F-boy territory, this is the worst. As they chase perfection, which doesn’t exist, it’s easy for them to take what they want and fake it. You’ll find this variety of F-boys obsessed with health, diet and exercise and making unwarranted comments about everyone’s physique.”

Unhealed Libra Chiron

Libra Chiron F-boys are serial lovers who can’t stand it alone. Syda Productions – stock.adobe.com

Those with unhealed Chiron placements in Libra display what Cheung calls the loneliness wound.

“These F-boys might not present as your typical hit-and-run type, because Libras rarely like to be alone, but to avoid their loneliness, they can become serial friends who stick around when asked to. exclusive. He might say something along the lines of enjoying your dynamic and wanting to see where things go.”

Unhealed Scorpio Chiron

Chung calls this placement of Scorpio the wound of control.

“F-guys with unhealed Chiron in Scorpio can have control issues, manifested in their desire for you to be exclusive but for them to continue seeing other people. This disconnection is due to the right and possibility that someone took away their power in childhood.

“Other tactics used are hot/cold energy, mostly in the form of breadcrumbs; it’s all a manipulative power play for them.”

Unhealed Sagittarius Chiron

F-boys with Chiron in Sag tend towards hedonism. MandriaPix – stock.adobe.com

Cheung calls this placement the wound of meaning.

“Many Sagittarius Chiron F guys will lead a hedonistic lifestyle that is attractive, especially when it comes to dating. But don’t be fooled by their dream vacations posted on social media: they’re all hiding something, and that’s the truth of how meaningless they find their lives.”

Unhealed Capricorn Chiron

Chiron in Bros Cap suffer from the wound of achievement.

“This F-boy uses women as status symbols to show their social capital. They will also have other symbols, but it is never enough,” explains Cheung. “Their tactic is love bombing and breadcrumbing, round and round until you block his number.”

Unhealed Aquarius Chiron

Aqua Chiron F-boys are chronic people pleasers and time wasters. estradaanton – stock.adobe.com

Unhealed Aqua Chirons display the wound of belonging.

According to Cheung, “An unhealed Chiron in Aquarius F-boy can lead to a ‘yes man’, someone who wants to please everyone because he needs to feel accepted. While this may be one of the most honest FF guys you’ll ever meet, he’s still a complete time waster and most likely has ENM [ethical non-monogamy] written on his dating profile.”

Unhealed Pisces Chiron

“These F-boys have the wound of trust and will blame their tortured past or difficult childhood as a way to avoid responsibility or accountability for how badly they treat you. You know when you’ve encountered this type of F-boy when they use excuses like, “I was drunk when I did it.” Or, ‘It’s my ex, so it doesn’t count as cheating.'”

Astrology 101: Your Guide to the Star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and reports irreverently on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience.

#Fboys #wounded #souls #astrology #shows #heal
Image Source : nypost.com

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